The Profit Map™ is a scientific stock price forecasting tool. Unlike Wall Street forecasts that only focus on corporate revenues and earnings to create price forecasts, the Profit Map™ incorporates estimates of a company’s future price-to-earnings (P/E) and price-to-sales (P/S) ratios as well. These ratios, along with revenue growth and profit margins, determine the future price of a stock on the date of sale. Revenue and earnings are just half the equation. The Profit Map™ helps you identify the other 50% of the price determinants.
Only the Profit Map™ offers comprehensive data and analysis to produce accurate stock forecasts.
Check the Profit Map™ for all your stocks. You have a fiduciary duty to objectively and independently evaluate the profit potential and risk of loss for each of your investments. The Profit Map™ is the only technology that uses data science to produce objective, independent and accurate price forecasts.
With the Profit Map™, you can instantly calculate future profit and loss for all your stocks.
How to Use the Profit Map™
What Must Happen:
Discover the essential conditions that must be met to reach your targeted return, based on your revenue and profit margin assumptions.
Future Return by P/S Ratio:
Evaluate the profit and loss potential on your investment based on changes in your estimates of the stock’s future Price to Sales ratio.
Future Return by P/E Ratio:
Evaluate the profit and loss potential on your investment based on changes in your estimates of the stock’s future Price to Earnings ratio.
In the future, fiduciaries will increasingly use technology to help them protect and preserve capital.
The Profit Map™, supported by robust, concrete historical data, will undoubtedly emerge as an indispensable tool for safety-conscious fiduciaries and client-focused investment managers.
For information on reducing and avoiding losses on your portfolio, endowment or trust, contact:
Raymond Mullaney, CEO
(203) 254-0000